Connect with Matt

We’re in this together!

No campaign can be successful without the help of a lot of volunteers, and as we get closer to Election Day, would you be willing to display a sign in your yard, or write a letter to the editor telling others why you support my candidacy? Would you be willing to go door-to-door on your street, or even making phone calls? I would be honored to have you on our team!

If you have any questions for me, I can be reached at 419-281-9468.




""We are a community of good people with good hearts who care about one another and care about the character of our city. Changes are taking place in organizations all across this city, and I am convinced they are setting the stage for a very exciting future for the City of Ashland. ""

- Matt Miller

Meeting With Residents

          Working Together to Improve Our City

Ashland Ohio Chamber
Ashland Ohio
Ashland Ohio Economic Development
Ashland Main Street